Who are we?

Our team has processed more than 1,600 files with people in default, and we prevented each homeowner from losing their home to the bank. By clearly understanding your needs and motivations, we can add to one of our many success stories. Our group has owned and operated two loss mitigation/short sale companies across three cities.  We’ve operated offices in Houston Texas, Sherman Oaks California, and Jacksonville Florida. We process short sales and work directly with lenders. This is not a side business, this is our core model.

Full service one stop team

With this plug and play system you get help WITHOUT UPFRONT COSTS. A research team will analyze your loan and look for any lender anomalies. You will meet with an attorney to work with you and represent you in court.  If needed, we provide a Real Estate broker to manage the sale.  There are also multiple investors/buyers who will pay cash for your house.

Let US help YOU save your home.

At My Foreclosure Hero, we seek to provide solutions to our customers to assist them in resolving delinquency and avoiding foreclosure.
