Q: Why should I choose My Foreclosure Hero?

A: Many other predatory companies are not what they appear to be. Many of those companies are:

  • Only interested in buying your house at a big discount

  • Attorneys who only want to take you into bankruptcy

  • Collect a consultation fee then do nothing for you

Q: How does My Foreclosure Hero stop foreclosure?

A: We specialize in resolutions of mortgage delinquencies or home foreclosure claims on behalf of you, the homeowner.

  • Our company performs a detailed financial analysis and works with you to determine your best alternatives.

  • We review your lender’s loss mitigation policies and foreclosure laws to ensure we give you the best service within the context of your situation.

By working with you and your lender, MFH can tailor a resolution to meet your specific criteria and financial circumstances. We do this quickly and effectively because our team has over 30 years of experience in the Real Estate and Mortgage industry.

Q: What is My Foreclosure Hero’s mission?

A: My Foreclosure Hero strives to empower and assist homeowners through education, information, and relationships with highly trusted professionals who are knowledgeable, honest, and compassionate.

A: We typically allow sellers to stay in their home for 30 days. If you need more time please let us know. We can also help with relocation cost.

Q: How long do I get to stay in the house?

A: We help homeowners stay in their home by paying the reinstatement fee.

Q: How can I stay in my home?