No matter your situation, we will customize options to solve your problems!


What options do I have?

  • Cash for Keys: Walk away today and leave your problem to us!

We take over the headaches… period! Just turn off the power and water, and toss the keys over your shoulder. We manage the yard, work with your lender, take over the payments, pay off the loan, or resell. This is the EASIEST clean break.

  • Joint Venture Partnership: Make money even if you have no equity!

On a debt settlement, we become partners and sue the lender to reduce the principal balance on your home. You can receive up to 20% of the net profits. This is NOT a short sale and NOT a loan modification. See partnership benefits below.

  • Short Sale: Walk away today and leave your problem to us!

Statistically, less than 20% of short sales are successful with the national average. We see 90-95% of ours succeed. This is because we use a 3-tiered system to analyze the loan and choose the best strategy. You can stay in the house up until the sale and we specialize in postponements at ZERO cost to you. Now, you don’t have to pay a bankruptcy attorney and incur additional cost for a house you are not planning to keep.


Every situation is unique and we will customize a solution to your needs.


Partnership Benefits

When you partner with us, we will work with a local attorney at no upfront cost to you.  The main benefits are as follows:

  • Free loan analysis: We look into the chain of title and assignments before we take the case.

  • Cash to homeowner: At the time of settlement, the home owner will receive up to 20% of the profits.

  • Freeze the foreclosure process: Legal action will halt the foreclosure process and the settlement will remove the threat of foreclosure.

  • Settlement guarantee: We only take on cases that qualify and we can guarantee will be settled.

  • Private settlement: This is a pro se based action which will be out of court.  This allows the homeowner to maintain privacy and anonymity.  Besides, the banks do not want the public to know they are settling for 50% of the loan amount!


Top Reasons why Banks will Settle:

  1. We make the lender prove "Standing" - The foreclosing party must prove they are the "holder of the debt" and how they acquired the debt through bonafide documentation (Assignments).

  2. Improper recordation - The current mortgage note holder must have been recorded in title with successor and assigns relating to discharge of mortgage.

  3. Original lenders are out of business -  If they perform a foreclosure, it is illegal or unlawful since it is a break in chain of title.

  4. Robo-signers - Created to rubber stamp and re-create notes without verification and authority for bank executives to advance the fraud of foreclosure.

