Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

If you still have questions or need more advice about the IRS after reading the information below, contact an experienced member at My Foreclosure Hero today. We can answer your questions and help you with your specific case.


IRS Audit and Appeals

To ensure accuracy with the tax law, the IRS has the power to audit your filed tax, but even the IRS makes mistakes during an audit and can make incorrect determinations. Our team of experts can get these errors fixed and greatly reduced without having to go to court.


IRS Liens and Levies

The IRS primarily uses liens and levies to collect tax. However, we can help evaluate whether the IRS has exceeded its authority and rescind such actions against you.


Innocent Spouse Relief

The tax liability is “joint and several” when a joint tax return is filed, so regardless of which spouse owes money, the IRS can go after either person for 100% of the tax. Fortunately, with the help of the Revenue Code, we can get innocent spouses the tax relief they deserve.