Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson

Address: 4828 Loop Central Drive Suite 600 Houston, TX 77081

Phone: (713) 844-3400

Toll-free: 800-242-9167 713-844-3501

Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott, LLP

Address: 1235 N Loop W # 600, Houston, TX 77008

Phone: 713-862-1860

Toll–Free: 800-833-5886

HUA Law Group, LLP

Hoover Slovacek, LLP

Address: Galleria Tower II, 5051 Westheimer Road #1200, Houston, TX 77056

Phone: (713) 977-8686

Fax: (713) 977-5395

An Austin and Houston, TX law firm. They have attorneys for real estate, litigation, estate, probate, construction and community association representation.

Business Bankruptcy Firms

The Lane Law Firm

Address: 6200 Savoy Dr Ste 1150, Houston, TX 77036

Phone: (713) 595-8200

Fax: (713) 595-8201

They help Texans resolve denied property insurance claims. They also help homeowners with mortgage-related issues, including stopping foreclosure without bankruptcy.

Bank Foreclosure Firms

Bonial & Associates, P.C.

Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway Suite 425, Dallas, TX 75254

Phone: 972-643-6600

Toll-free: 800-766-7751

Fax: 972-643-6698 972-643-6699

They represent creditors in foreclosure, bankruptcy and related litigation matters. Bonial & Associates, P.C. delivers on the true meaning of the word “partner”. Their foreclosure practice group is committed to achieving optimal results compliantly, efficiently & cost effectively.