Compliments of the Chef: Alyssa Svoronos

Ut sed maximus odio. Nam bibendum, diam sed rhoncus sagittis, sapien odio consectetur mauris, nec imperdiet justo ligula ac ante. Sed eu lectus ac est sagittis gravida. Nam quis porttitor justo, eu lobortis lorem. Praesent pharetra porttitor venenatis. Curabitur ac sollicitudin magna. Sed a massa sed dui scelerisque condimentum. Pellentesque semper rhoncus eros suscipit pellentesque. Duis quis orci sit amet quam accumsan tempor. 



I am a real estate professional operating at the edge of the latest real estate market trends.

Over the last 15 years, my team has helped over 1,700 distressed home owners with strategies such as shorting loans, taking over payments, lending private money, and countless other solutions.

In 2004, I founded Short Sale Surrender and began helping home owners who were underwater with their home loans and mediating debt settlements with the banks. Three years later, when the market crashed, Short Sale Surrender were the market leaders in conducting short sales to hundreds of home owners who lost their jobs and saw their home values plummet.

In 2011, when home values began to recover, we pivoted our business model to focus on helping home owners modify their existing loans to reduce principals, reducing & fixing interests rates, and/or by extending terms.

In 2016, I have founded Wall Street Servicing and have pivoted to defaulted loan audits. We are investigating the paper trails of hundreds and thousands of mortgages of distressed homeowners that may have had their mortgage improperly assigned.

2021 Cares Act helping homeowners process loan modification and forbearance plans

We believe in helping homeowners like you move forward in life. We buy houses for cash from people that are looking to sell their homes fast. No matter your situation, you can expect a fast closing, a hassle-free transaction, a great cash offer and, most importantly, you’ll be treated with respect. We buy houses in Houston and the surrounding areas with the people, expertise and network to buy your house for cash and sell your house quickly.

Persimmon Picking Season is Coming!

Morbi eu tempor dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam tempor eleifend diam, nec rutrum turpis gravida at. Sed viverra suscipit mi, eget consequat leo tristique sed. Proin vestibulum egestas metus in convallis. Nunc non massa quis.

Cherbruke Orchard and Gardens
777 Broadway
New York NY 0000
Open Tuesday – Sunday
6:30am – 3:00pm



I am a real estate professional operating at the edge of the latest real estate market trends.

Over the last 15 years, my team has helped over 1,700 distressed home owners with strategies such as shorting loans, taking over payments, lending private money, and countless other solutions.

In 2004, I founded Short Sale Surrender and began helping home owners who were underwater with their home loans and mediating debt settlements with the banks. Three years later, when the market crashed, Short Sale Surrender were the market leaders in conducting short sales to hundreds of home owners who lost their jobs and saw their home values plummet.

In 2011, when home values began to recover, we pivoted our business model to focus on helping home owners modify their existing loans to reduce principals, reducing & fixing interests rates, and/or by extending terms.

In 2016, I have founded Wall Street Servicing and have pivoted to defaulted loan audits. We are investigating the paper trails of hundreds and thousands of mortgages of distressed homeowners that may have had their mortgage improperly assigned.

2021 Cares Act helping homeowners process loan modification and forbearance plans

We believe in helping homeowners like you move forward in life. We buy houses for cash from people that are looking to sell their homes fast. No matter your situation, you can expect a fast closing, a hassle-free transaction, a great cash offer and, most importantly, you’ll be treated with respect. We buy houses in Houston and the surrounding areas with the people, expertise and network to buy your house for cash and sell your house quickly.

What to do in Cherbruke: Lunch Outside

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce eu erat tincidunt, dapibus sem scelerisque, dapibus nibh. Proin fringilla, est non fermentum cursus, elit nibh hendrerit velit, vitae congue neque augue sed odio.

Aliquam fermentum, ligula iaculis tristique rhoncus, turpis nisi dignissim lorem, a dictum dolor sapien ac massa. Nulla luctus tellus id magna posuere, ac semper quam cursus. Suspendisse a efficitur libero. Vestibulum et aliquet dui. Donec facilisis dolor vel massa ornare ultricies. 



I am a real estate professional operating at the edge of the latest real estate market trends.

Over the last 15 years, my team has helped over 1,700 distressed home owners with strategies such as shorting loans, taking over payments, lending private money, and countless other solutions.

In 2004, I founded Short Sale Surrender and began helping home owners who were underwater with their home loans and mediating debt settlements with the banks. Three years later, when the market crashed, Short Sale Surrender were the market leaders in conducting short sales to hundreds of home owners who lost their jobs and saw their home values plummet.

In 2011, when home values began to recover, we pivoted our business model to focus on helping home owners modify their existing loans to reduce principals, reducing & fixing interests rates, and/or by extending terms.

In 2016, I have founded Wall Street Servicing and have pivoted to defaulted loan audits. We are investigating the paper trails of hundreds and thousands of mortgages of distressed homeowners that may have had their mortgage improperly assigned.

2021 Cares Act helping homeowners process loan modification and forbearance plans

We believe in helping homeowners like you move forward in life. We buy houses for cash from people that are looking to sell their homes fast. No matter your situation, you can expect a fast closing, a hassle-free transaction, a great cash offer and, most importantly, you’ll be treated with respect. We buy houses in Houston and the surrounding areas with the people, expertise and network to buy your house for cash and sell your house quickly.